Diana WrightNov 26, 20176 minFat SheepREIGN OF CHRIST 26 NOV 2017 Who is your God? Whom will you serve? You have a lot of choices these days it seems. You can choose to...
Diana WrightNov 13, 20175 minKeep Your Lamps......23 PENTECOST 12 NOV 2017 Even before I was ordained I was warned about weddings. "Funerals are easier" was a refrain I heard more than...
Diana WrightOct 23, 20176 minWhose coin?20 PENTECOST 22 OCT 2017 Of all the material I have in my genealogy files a few things stand out: pictures I acquired in the last...
Diana WrightOct 16, 20174 minClothes make the person19 A Pentecost. Clothes make the man, or woman, it seems. If you went for a job inter-view how would you dress? Likely you would wear a...
Diana WrightSep 18, 20175 minBig Fat Pink Rubber Erasers15a Pentecost 17 SEP 2017 When I was in grade school I remember our pencil as being fat and green in color. After printing on what in...
Diana WrightSep 10, 20176 minWhite Makes Right14a Pentecost 10 Sept 2017 Many of you grew up in small town Iowa. Idyllic? Perhaps. I would guess that most of the time you felt...
Diana WrightAug 29, 20175 minNaming ourselves12 PENTECOST 27 August 2017 What is in a name? At birth names are given to us, usually by our parents. I have never changed my name in my...
Diana WrightJul 12, 20175 minTo be Blessed is to be Hospitable5A Pentecost, Proper 8 9 July 2017 Biblical texts can be very, very troubling and there are times you would like to pass over them. ...
Diana WrightJun 12, 20175 minLiving into the TrinityTRINITY SUNDAY 11 JUNE 2017 I have heard it said that Trinity Sunday is one typically assigned to new seminary graduates, curates if you...
Diana WrightApr 17, 20174 minThe Never Ending Story: It is Our Turn to Practice ResurrectionEaster 2017 15 AND 16 APR 2017 Last October the biggest event was that the Chicago Cubs won the World Series, ending an over 100-year...